Review and Set Forth


Each January 1st I feel invited into the excitement of potential. A new year seems like a clean slate for designing our lives. And this year, we begin a new decade.

I love imagining the possibilities, but I have noticed that sometimes my resolutions can take on a punishing tone. When we set goals from a place of constriction, deprivation, or punishment, the goals are more likely to never be accomplished. If we set goals with the motivation of feeling better, being kinder, serving others, and showing compassion then we are more likely to fulfill the goal. 

The key to growth in the new year is to review the previous year and then set forth on the path you desire. The tool below can guide you into a compassionate look at the year behind you and the year ahead. Take some time to think about these prompts and maybe write your answers or share them with someone you love. 

Review of 2019

  • Three words summarize my year are...

  • Something that inspired me this year is...

  • I'm really glad I....

  • The person I enjoyed getting to know this year is...

  • I laughed a lot when I was with... 

  • This year I created... 

  • A gutsy thing I did was... 

  • I wish I would have done more of this...

  • A mistake that turned into learning something valuable was...

  • Someone showed me kindness by doing this....

  • I remember feeling really peaceful....  

  • I helped with...

  • This year, I'm most grateful for...

Set Forth into 2020

  • This year, I want to feel...

  • I am determined to accomplish...

  • I want to create...

  • The people I will prioritize spending time with are...

  • My four top values for this year are...

  • This year, I want to learn how to...

  • I really hope I can find the courage to...

  • A place I would really like to travel to is....

  • If I had to pick one word to set my intentions this year, it would be...

  • I am grateful and happy that this year will bring me...

  • I will grow spiritually by doing this....

  • To feel peaceful, I know I have to...

  • I would like to ask for help with...

  • I promise myself that i will...

Have fun with these prompts and discuss your responses with the people you love this week.

If you need inspiration on what you value, click here. If you want another version of things to think about going into a new year, click here

I'm looking forward to traveling through 2020 with you! Compassion Fix is growing and some exciting announcements will be coming soon. Thank you for your support and encouragement. You and I are working toward a more compassionate way of being and a more compassionate world. 

Happy New Year, New Month, and New Decade! 

Sending you love,