Energy Levels


Do you wake up some days with energy and other days you feel zapped?

There are many factors that contribute to our energy levels. One of those factors is our emotions. Our feelings and emotions can cause an increase or a decrease in the energy we produce. The more positive the emotion, the higher the energy we emit. The more adverse the emotion, the lower our energy will feel. As human beings, we are both contributing energy and affected by the energy of those around us.

Dr. David Hawkins conducted a long term study of energy fields and levels of consciousness from 1965 to 1994. He utilized scientific methods from the fields of kinesiology, psychology, spirituality, and quantum physics. His book Power vs. Force summarizes his methodology and findings. He created a "Map of Consciousness" to include the measurement of energy as it relates to our emotions, life-views, images of God, and the effects our energy has on others.

Pay attention to what you notice about your own energy and the energy of people around you. If you are feeling low energy, try becoming more cognizant of your emotions. Strive to move yourself "up" the energetical spectrum into more life-giving emotions and notice the increase in energy you feel as a result.

Energy works like a magnet. The higher you rise on the emotional energy spectrum, the more you will attract people into your presence who match your energetical vibration.

Experiment with tuning into your emotions and noticing how they affect your energy. There is much more I would love to share with you, but for now explore the idea of how individual energy might affect our relationships, physical bodies, politics, businesses, economy, society, religions, creativity, innovation, environment, and virtually everything we do. Dr. Hawkins found that emotions that calibrate below the 200 level drain energy from individuals and societies. It is interesting to consider the events of 2020 and why we all may be feeling lower in energy than usual. But there is hope...

If we each begin with paying attention, we can raise our collective consciousness. If we each work to rise toward compassion, kindness, love, joy, and peace we not only help ourselves, we also help all of those around us.

Love begets love.

Sending you good vibes,