

If writing down your thoughts or "journaling" is hard to do, I'm with you. Over the years, I have accumulated a stack of beautiful journals. I purchased them with the intention of beginning a daily practice. I would be consistent for a few days and then stop. Many times, it was because I didn't know what to write about or where to start capturing my thoughts. 

Have you struggled with this too? Maybe this list below will help us both know where to start.


Grab a piece of paper and follow the prompts for the topic that most resonates with you right now. This can be a daily journaling practice or a one-time practice to help you unpack your thoughts. Writing is cathartic and healing for your soul. It quiets your brain. Thinking through a challenge moves your brain out of the amygdala (fear center) and into the pre-frontal cortex (planning center). When we have a plan, we feel safer. Walk yourself through these prompts and breathe deeply. All will be well. You already have the answers you seek, you might just need to see them on paper to believe it. 

Exploring Who I Want to Become 

  • I want to become someone who...

  • To do that, I may need to shift my pattern of...

  • I am grateful to make this shift because...

  • My future self will have these traits...

  • The person I am becoming will experience more...

  • When I think about who I am becoming I feel...

  • Something I can do today to live into this is...

Exploring A Decision I Need to Make

  • The decision I need to make is....

  • My options are...

  • I am afraid of...

  • After this decision, I want to feel...

  • My younger self would say...

  • My future self would say...

  • For an additional perspective, I could talk with...

  • My intuition is telling me to...

Exploring How I Feel in Relationships

  • The times I have felt most loved are...

  • I can be authentic in relationships when I feel...

  • I am seeking relationships with people who are...

  • For right now, I need to avoid these things in a relationship...

  • In the past, I have held back in giving...

  • In my relationships, I want to feel...

  • Some things I can do to improve my relationships are...

Exploring Why I Feel Stuck

  • I feel stuck in these areas of my life...

  • I can't go forward until...

  • This feels challenging because...

  • What I really want is...

  • I might need to let go of...

  • A small first step could be...

Exploring Anxious Thoughts

  • I am feeling worried about...

  • I notice I feel more worried when...

  • My brain is trying to keep me safe from...

  • But, in truth...

  • I can't control...

  • I can control...

  • I trust myself to...

These can also be prompts used in conversations with those you love and trust. 

Prompts like these are just a start, but it is a start. And sometimes that is all it takes to get us rolling. 

Writing validates your feelings. It helps you process your thoughts and connect your own dots. You don't have to make this a formal practice, just write down what comes to you and toss it in the trash if you don't like it. Sometimes the pressure to write in a blank book is just too much. Do what works best for you to get your thoughts onto paper. 

Give yourself the gift of writing down your thoughts and allow it to begin a conversation with yourself. Writing is a way to support yourself and feel less alone. The page becomes a non-judgemental friend who listens and helps you see more clearly.  

Sending you a big hug,


P.S. Writing can also be a powerful spiritual practice. These same prompts can be used in a conversation with God. In our current class on the Psalms, my friend Deanne Sheets shared her experience with writing down her conversations with God. To begin a conversation with God, you might try this Immanuel Journaling exercise. It is a beautiful spiritual practice and one that I hope you will explore.