4 Elements


Earth, Water, Fire, Air

Depending on your age, you might be thinking of the band name Earth, Wind, and Fire right now. But, we are talking about the 4 elements of nature this week.

I was in the ocean a few days ago and was reminded of an ancient mindfulness practice I first learned when studying Native American theology.

It is a practice of connecting with each of the four elements on a spiritual level. Seeking oneness and unity with all of nature. In turn, feeling connected to the Great Spirit, or God.

Which of these elements resonates most deeply with you today?

Earth - feeling grounded and supported; steady and solid

Water - feeling fluid and flowing; cycles of changing form

Fire - feeling warmth and heat; urgency and movement

Air - feeling light and moving; breath and wind

Think about how you could pay attention to these four elements in your daily life.

Stand barefoot in the grass, hold a rock in your hand, notice the water while washing your hands or dishes, mindfully drink a glass of water, light a candle, watch the flame dance in a fireplace or bonfire, be aware of your breathing, or close your eyes and feel the wind on your face.

When you feel lost, left out, or like you don't belong, this practice can help root you back into knowing that you belong on this planet. The elements are yours, they belong to you and you to them. The elements connect us all. We share these resources and are united by them.

As I floated in the saltwater last week, I worked on surrendering. I was trying to get my mind and heart to feel a total sense of peace. My intention was to transcend out of my brain and feel a sense of unity with the water. I was trying to release all fear, and then release some more. Surrender, then surrender more. I could feel it for a few minutes and then my brain started its chatter again...but our practice continues a lifetime. Allowing the water to hold me helped to remind me that we are supported and loved. I often forget this in the busyness of trying to control my life.

Great spiritual wisdom can be found in asking these elements, "what would you have me know?"

Indigenous peoples often created rituals with the four elements. Many faiths incorporate sacred ceremonies with these elements. The healing science of Ayurveda has focused on the four elements for over 5,000 years. Sacred texts tell of seeing God in these elements.

Each day, I asked the ocean what it would have me know and the answers felt like messages to slow down, be consistent, go a little deeper, and see that I am connected and supported. I was grateful for this teaching.

What wisdom do the elements have for you?

Sending you love and peace,