

What does this picture represent to you?

An out-of-control lawn?
Angry neighbors?
Something you have to get rid of?


Hundreds of wishes?
An entirely edible vitamin-rich plant?
Food for honeybees and butterflies?
A detoxifying root in tea?

Weeds or wishes?

We get to choose what we think when we see a dandelion.
And with life.
Is this a big problem or a small hassle or maybe even a gift?

Sometimes, everything in life feels like a battle we have to fight. A little change in perspective often helps. But, when I can't see it on my own, I ask for help, "God (or a trusted friend), please help me to see this differently, I can only see the weeds right now." Usually, that helps make the weeds a little less overwhelming and helps me shift toward hope.

Poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox sums it up with this line, "A weed is but an unloved flower."

How might we transform our perspective on life if we could see every problem and every person with love?

Imagine the possibilities,