

Putting away Christmas decorations led me to cleaning out the basement.
Cleaning out the basement led me to finding boxes of graduate school work.
Finding boxes from grad school led me to flipping through my lecture notes.
Flipping through those notes led me to write this email.
(If you have read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie you know what I'm talking about here.)

In my business school notes, I used a triangle (delta) as my shorthand for the word "change." I borrowed the delta symbol from my math and science classes where I learned it as a symbol to indicate the change in an equation or substance.

As I flipped through my notes, I saw many triangles indicating where organizations could change to become better, faster, and more profitable. In my handwriting were notes about strategies to sell more widgets, get more customers, and generate more revenue.

And it all felt exhausting.

Businesses want us to believe we need to change. They sell products that will improve our life. Gym memberships will fulfill our dreams. Our homes, faces, bodies, and relationships are all fair game for improvement by advertisers.

As I sat with these notes in my lap, I thought "what if nothing needs changing? What if people believed they were already enough and had enough?"

Then I came across this symbol:


In my notes this meant "no change" and it resonated with me.

The idea that there is nothing to change felt good to me.

I think my personal goal for 2021 isn't about changing, it is about accepting.

Accepting that I am a creative person who gets really excited about the next shiny object she sees (instead of criticizing myself for getting distracted). Accepting that I get to live in a body that is strong and fights off disease like a champ (instead of shaming my shape and weight). Accepting that being the love in the room is enough (instead of feeling I need to prove myself to others). Accepting that my desk, closet, and car will be messy right now because I am a busy woman and a mom (instead of my inner critic saying 'you are such a mess').

What if our 2021 intentions had a tone of encouragement instead of punishment? Doesn't that already feel more motivating?

What if you are already enough and nothing needs to be changed about you? How does that feel?

Thinking about 2021

What are the best parts of my life?

How can I have more fun this year?

Where could I encourage myself a little more?

When do I feel most myself and how can I get more of that?

Who are the people I want to give love and friendship to this year?

Who gets my talents, skills, and contributions this year?

Who do I want to help or speak up for?

What would help me to feel more moments of peace this year?

If I totally believed in myself, this year I would...

Let's have some fun in 2021!
Hey, that rhymes!

If you like other ideas for starting a new year, here are a few things I have written about before:
New Year Intentions
Devoted Rather than Disciplined
Promise Yourself
Rule of Life

Here is a fun challenge from author Louise Hay, "Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens."

Be gentle with yourselves, you are a loving soul and that is all you need to be.

Sending you love and gratitude,