What lights you up?

What makes your eyes sparkle?

What do you love to talk about?

When do you notice energy rise in your body?

When the world feels dark, I think it is important for each of us to think about what lights us up. When you shine, you inspire others to shine. When you are excited about something, others want to feel excited about something too.

When you carry light, the darkness lessens.

Can you imagine a world where we are all excited about our days? It might sound idyllic, but what if we could move the needle toward love and joy just a couple of notches? What would our encounters during the day be like? Might we walk around less angry, agitated, and frustrated?

What would lighten your burden today and bring you some joy?

Do that.

We will always have tasks and chores we don’t enjoy, but is there something we could do to make those better for ourselves? Or, could we make sure every day contains something that lights us up?

Not sure what lights you up because you spend your days making sure everyone else is happy?

Ask friends and family for their observations:

  • What do you notice that I do well and enjoy doing?

  • When do you notice I light up or have a sparkle in my eye?

  • What contribution do you think I make to our family/friendship/workplace?

What excites you in this season of life? Can you follow that path and add more of that into your life?

Thinking about what lights you up is a key ingredient in finding a sense of purpose. You are here to do what lights you up. We all have different things that excite us. What you are drawn to is yours to do. Your purpose is to follow what you are excited about.

I can see the sparkle in your eyes and it is beautiful,