A Letter of Encouragement

Have you ever written yourself a letter? 

It might seem weird, but it can be a powerful practice in befriending and encouraging yourself. 

Many of us are good at encouraging others, but we aren’t intentional about doing it for ourselves. You are a cool human being and you deserve to honor that fact.

We might encourage ourselves through a mantra or positive thought, but writing a letter is more than that. It feels slower and more thoughtful to put your thoughts into a letter. With paper as a medium, our brain senses that the words more authoritative as if this encouragement is coming from an outside source beyond the thoughts in your head. 

Try it this week. If it feels too strange to write it on paper, type a letter in a word document or use the notes app on your phone. There is something more intimate about handwriting, but if that stops you from this practice, then type a letter to yourself. 

Spend some time going inward. What do you need to hear?

Gift that to yourself. 

Here are some lines that might help you get started:

  • I recognize your ability to…

  • I see your joy when…

  • I hear your voice excited about…

  • I know it has been hard to…

  • I understand why you…

  • I see you trying to…

  • I saw your disappointment when…

  • I love it when you…

  • I hope you get…

  • I think your greatest quality is…

  • I see your giftedness in…

  • I am proud of you for...

  • I know you can…

  • I believe in your…

Pick one or a few of these and notice what flows when you start writing. See if you can get out of your own way and let this be a letter from your soul to your heart. Love on you the way you love on others. Write to yourself with encouragement like you would your grandchild or child. I know you tell them how wonderful they are, see if you can use that same voice and write to yourself. 

Make this practice your own. You can write letters to future you and past you. You can make this a journal practice of writing in the form of daily letters to yourself from yourself. You can draw or paint something if words aren’t your jam. Just find a way to communicate with your own soul and heart this week. 

A short note to yourself like, “[your name], you’re doing a really good job” can be a game changer in your day. Learn to be the voice of encouragement you long to hear. It may feel awkward at first, but push through the discomfort because you deserve a letter of encouragement. 

I think you are a great human being,