What's Calling You?

John Muir was an immigrant from Scotland who in the early 1900’s became known as the “Father of our [USA] National Parks.” You might have visited Muir Park near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It is said that he introduced President Theodore Roosevelt to the area that is now Yosemite National Park and inspired Roosevelt to form the National Parks system we are able to enjoy today.

I read about Muir when I was with my husband and children on a trip to the Redwood National Forest. Today John is revered for his conservation work and vision of our park system, but he is also criticized for his colonial views and unkindness to indigenous people. This is often the tension we feel in our American land discussions.

As I was reading about him years ago, these words of his stuck in my mind:

“The mountains are calling, and I must go.”

At that time, it got me thinking about what is calling me and what I must do. Writing a book was calling to me then and it became a must-do.

I still check-in with this wisdom of Muir often and I wanted to invite you to do the same:

What do you feel is “calling” to you right now and what feels like a “must” in this chapter of your life?

Last week, I was on a trip with my husband, Rob, and his business team. We were at an oceanside hotel and you likely know by now that the ocean and I have a long spiritual relationship. But something new happened this time.

It was our last morning of the trip. Rob and I were on a morning walk and we were on our way back to our room with just enough time to pack up and meet our group to head for the airport. We came upon this area of clear turquoise blue water. I stopped to take a photo of it. Then I felt the pull of a calling like I imagine Muir did. My version was: the ocean is calling and I must go in.

I told Rob I really wanted to get in the water and wished we had more time. He said, “you can get in.” “In these clothes?” I asked with a tone that implied, this is completely ridiculous, I can’t do that.

“Yes, you can. There is a dry cleaning bag in the room, we can wrap up your wet clothes and deal with them when we get home.” Then I said, “but we don’t have time…(then I remembered the pause from last week)…but I can pack fast.” He said, "Seriously, go for it, do it.” So I handed him my phone, shoes, jacket, sunglasses, and in I went. And I discovered that swimming in leggings is sort of like a wetsuit, it works just fine!

It was the most free, silly, childlike, happy, indulgent, carefree, exhilarating, closest to God, aligned, connected, peaceful, and blissful 15 minutes I’ve had in a long time.

So here is my challenge to you this week - consider what is calling you in and go for it. It might be something silly, do it. It might be something, indulgent, do it. It might be something little or something really big, do it. What if you gave yourself permission? What if you gave your loved one permission?

What is calling you? What must you do?

Life is meant to be lived, let’s not miss acting on our callings. I see a lot of people who are living very serious lives, me included. Being human is hard, let’s lighten it up when we get the opportunity.

It doesn’t have to make sense. It doesn’t have to be the right time.

Take a few minutes and let yourself dream and explore. Then pick something do-able now and do it.

Here’s to living,