The Power of the Subconscious

Our subconscious brain runs automatically and continuously to keep us breathing, moving, and safe.

We don’t have to think about breathing; it just happens for us. If we pause and become aware of our inhales and exhales, then we realize how much we can control our breathing. We can speed it up, slow it down, hold it, make it audible, and shift the airflow from our nose to our mouth.

In our daily busyness, we take our subconscious mind for granted, but it can be a powerful tool of transformation in our lives.

Imagine a garden where everything thrives and grows—this garden is similar to your subconscious mind. When you were a baby, your subconscious brain was soaking up every experience and observation. Repeated experiences and observations became beliefs. Experiences that had emotional pain or joy were even more deeply planted. Through try-error-try-success, you figured out how to go downstairs safely, how to not spill your drink, and how to please the people around you. Your subconscious mind held onto how to do these things and over time, they became automatic for you.

You also soaked up the opinions of the adults you heard talking, the words of kids on the playground, and the preferences of your teachers. These thoughts were planted in the garden of your mind and have grown into adult beliefs. Now, as adults, we have to tend to the garden of our subconscious and we may need to make some adjustments.

Are there new thoughts you want to entertain or explore? Are there other sides to a story you want to understand? Are you seeing that you no longer agree with something you once believed to be true?

You have the power to literally change your mind.

I hope that you feel empowered reading that sentence, but if it feels a little scary to read that then I officially give you permission to change your mind—this is your life and it is yours to live.

Weeds grow as quickly as flowers in our subconscious minds. Remember, it is incredibly fertile ground in there. We can’t leave it unattended. Plant the stuff you want to grow, and pull out the weeds that block your progress.

If there is something you long for or want then plant the thought (write it down or say it out loud to plant it even deeper), sprinkle it with imagining how you will feel when you get it, and then repeat that thought-emotion combo every day. Your subconscious soil will go to work helping that grow and become a reality in your life.

Harness the power of your own brain. You get to choose what gets planted from here on out.

Life is beautiful and hard—often at the exact same time. If your subconscious is full of positive, peaceful, life-giving beliefs, then your automatic system will default to hope and help you get through the tough times.

Start today. Design the life you want to live. You have the power to grow something great.

I’m on the journey with you,